Logan City Tabernacle - Utah
Thank you so much for attending at the Logan tabernacle Fireside the Sunday Sept 24th, Thanks Suzanne Godfrey for planning and taking care of details to make it a memorable night in this beautiful venue!
I’m so grateful to the North Logan Stake Presidency for sponsoring and promoting the fireside at the Logan Area. Thanks so much Tim Ballard for accepting being my co-speaker.
Beautiful venue! The foundation of the tabernacle was begun in 1864. The building took twenty-seven years to complete. During that time, work was delayed twice. In 1873, the building work resumed and the size was enlarged from 60'/106' to 65'/130'. The second delay came in 1877 after workers had completed the exterior walls. Workers moved from the tabernacle to finish the nearby Logan Temple,
All this wonderful people made it possible! I’m so grateful to the North Logan Stake Presidency for sponsoring and promoting the fireside at the Logan Area. Thanks so much Tim Ballard for accepting being my co-speaker.

I met so amazing and humble people, their strength and stories of faith uplifted my heart, thanks so much LOGAN CITY!